Day 52

Who makes you better? We all have a circle of friends and family who influence our lives. I’m surrounded by some amazing friends. They give me feedback and great advice.

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Day 51

What do you need? There are things we need—like food, water, and clothing—and there are things we want. Have you ever thought about who makes sure you have what you need?

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Day 50

Do you need help? I think we have all felt overwhelmed or in distress. There are times in our lives when we need help. Here’s what I want you to know.

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Day 49

What do you love? A good question to ask yourself is what or who has the majority of your attention? Where do you spend your time and what has your focus?

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Day 48

Is it hard to talk to your friends about your faith? Are you worried they won’t accept you? I can understand that it’s hard sometimes to share your faith with others.

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Day 47

What makes you special? Sometimes we can think about ourselves in a negative light. We might see our flaws or weaknesses. We might think we are just like everyone else.

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Day 46

Have you ever felt personally attacked? When it seems like people or circumstances are against you, it’s easy to feel afraid and worried. I think we’ve all experienced this.

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Day 45

Have you ever said something and wished you could take it back? I think we can all remember times when we’ve said something hurtful. And here’s the thing about our words.

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Day 44

Do you ever struggle with pride? I can think of times when I pursued my selfish desire at the expense of someone else or when I thought I was better than someone else.

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Day 43

Are you constantly battling the same temptation? Temptation is a strong desire to do something—especially something that is wrong or harmful to you.

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Day 42

Has anyone ever done you wrong? You know, have they spoken badly about you or to you? Have you been bullied? Left out? Treated poorly?

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Day 41

Have you ever been in a season of life where everything was going wrong? You didn’t make the team. Your mom or dad lost their job. Your close friend was sick.

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Day 40

Do other people know that you are a follower of Jesus? How do they know? The number one way that others know you follow Jesus and they learn what it means to be Christian is by the way that you love them.

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Day 39

Why do we gather at InsideOut with our small group? There are many reasons, but today let’s talk about a big one. You see, there’s something incredible that happens whenever we gather.

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Day 38

Have you ever walked through an extremely challenging time? Have you watched someone you love walk through a challenging time? When things are going wrong in our lives, it can be easy to lose hope and to feel like you can’t recover.

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Day 37

Do you pray for your friends? God invites our prayers, he listens to our prayers, and he cares about our friends. There have been times in my life where I have asked all of my friends to pray for me.

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Day 36

Do you find it hard to trust God with your everyday life? There is something in all of us that desires control of our own lives.

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Day 35

Do you know one of the most important verses in the Bible? This is a verse that I learned a long time ago. You should write it out and try to learn it.

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Day 34

Do you wish you had more freedom? Maybe you wish that your parents would trust you with more responsibility. I remember those days of wanting more independence or wanting to be trusted with more.

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Day 33

As a follower of Jesus, what has he commanded you to do? There are a handful of times in the Bible when Jesus tells us exactly what he wants us to do.

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