Day 54

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Are you important to God? Because we can’t see or touch God, we can sometimes struggle to believe that he knows us or that we matter to him. But God tells us he not only knows us but also loves us like a father loves his children. We belong to him.

Today’s Passage: John 1:12

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

Reflect: Think about how a perfect father would love his children. Can you imagine his care and the guidance he would give? Do you believe that a loving heavenly Father would care about your future, your relationships, and your freedom from things that would harm you? God says that you are his child.

Pray: Talk to God like you would talk to your most loving heavenly Father. Know that you belong and that he’s listening.

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