Day 55

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Do you ever feel trapped? Oftentimes sin starts out feeling fun, harmless, or something you can stop doing when it gets too serious. We have all tried something that we knew wouldn’t be good for us. Maybe drinking a little, but not too much. Maybe going a little too far in a dating relationship, but not crossing that line. Maybe watching a few things online that aren’t good, but keeping it under control.

But the problem with sin is, it always takes us further than we want to go. And before we know it, we are trapped by the consequences of our actions.

Today’s Passage: Romans 6:6

"For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin."

Reflect: When we put our faith in Jesus, the way we used to live was done away with. Jesus not only forgives us for our sins but also creates a new life in us and gives us the ability to live free of our sins. So take some time today and think about areas in your life where you know what you’re doing is wrong and goes against what Jesus wants for you.

Pray: Tell God about it. Confess to him where you are falling short and ask for his forgiveness.  Live free!

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