Day 52

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Who makes you better? We all have a circle of friends and family who influence our lives. I’m surrounded by some amazing friends. They give me feedback and great advice. They are fun to hang out with, and they make great choices. Most importantly, they are trying to follow Jesus, and they inspire me to follow Jesus. Who you hang out with can make you better.

Today’s Passage: Proverbs 27:17

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

Reflect: This verse reminds us that when we hang out with sharp people, we become sharper. When we hang out with wise people, we become wiser. When we hang out with people who are growing, it influences us to grow. So who are you hanging out with? Who is in your circle?  How are they sharpening you? How are you sharpening them?

Pray: Ask God to bring great friends into your life. Pray for the friends and family in your circle and look for ways you can help them grow.

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