Day 6

How do you tell people about Jesus? How do you help them see what he’s really like? Talking about Jesus can be difficult.

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Day 5

How do we get rid of the sin that we carry? How do we get free of the shame that we feel when we do something wrong? We have all done things that we hope others don’t find out about.

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Day 4

Why am I not seeing good things come from my life? That’s a heavy question. It can be frustrating and discouraging to not see positive outcomes produced from your life.

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Day 2

How do you measure if your relationship with Jesus is growing? What should you see happening in your life?

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Day 1

What are you known for? When people think about you, what stands out?  Grab your Bible, and let’s take 10 minutes to learn more about what a follower of Jesus is known for. 

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