Day 5

Listen to Today’s Reading:

How do we get rid of the sin that we carry? How do we get free of the shame that we feel when we do something wrong? We have all done things that we hope others don’t find out about. Things that we know were wrong and hurt our life. We all have struggled with the burden of sin. There is only one way to live free.  

Today’s Passage: 1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

This verse is a good one. If you can, write it down and learn it.  

Reflect: The only way to live free from sin is to confess it. Tell God what you’ve done and ask for his forgiveness. Because he loves you, he promises to be faithful and just and give you a clean heart.

Pray: Talk to God about the sin that you’re carrying. Tell him what you’ve done, how you feel about it, and ask him to forgive you. Then walk today as a person who has been forgiven and is clean.

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