Day 42

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Has anyone ever done you wrong? You know, have they spoken badly about you or to you? Have you been bullied? Left out? Treated poorly? I think we can all remember a time when someone had been unfair or unkind. And how did that make you feel?

Today’s Passage: Romans 12:17–18

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."

Reflect: When someone hurts you, naturally you want to get even. But when you follow Jesus, he calls us to a different way of living. This verse challenges us not to pay someone back for hurting us, but to seek peace with the people who have treated us poorly. This is hard to do.  Think back to the last time you had a conflict with someone. What would it take for you to bring peace to the situation?

Before we move on, I want you to know that this verse does not mean you should tolerate someone hurting you or stay in an unsafe situation. Always tell a trusted adult if you need help navigating a particularly difficult situation. Your parents or your small group leader would want to help you.

Pray: If you’re struggling to forgive and reach out, ask God to help you. Tell him how you’re feeling and ask him to guide you. 

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