Day 39

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Why do we gather at InsideOut with our small group? There are many reasons, but today let’s talk about a big one. You see, there’s something incredible that happens whenever we gather. It’s a promise we’ve been given.

The Bible tells us that whenever we gather for the purpose of focusing on Jesus, he will show up to be with us.

Today’s Passage: Matthew 18:20 

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

Reflect: Do you desire more of Jesus? Do you want to know him, spend time with him, and grow in your relationship with him? Then you need to gather together with other believers for the sole purpose of worshiping, learning, and putting your focus on him. He promises to be there with you.

Pray: Today, pray for InsideOut. Pray that God would be in the midst of every single gathering and that we would experience him personally.

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