Day 34

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Do you wish you had more freedom? Maybe you wish that your parents would trust you with more responsibility. I remember those days of wanting more independence or wanting to be trusted with more. There’s a very clear principle in the Gospel of Luke, a book of the Bible, which teaches us that if we want to be trusted with more—more responsibility, more leadership, more resources, more freedom—then we need to show we can be trusted with the smaller things that we have right now.

Today’s Passage: Luke 16:10

"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”

Reflect: So what are some of the smaller areas of your life that you are responsible for right now? Think about your schoolwork, curfew, and taking care of the things you have right now. Are you faithful with the things and responsibilities that you have?

Pray: Ask God to show you how you can grow in responsibility and trust with the people around you.

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