Day 32

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Who are some of your greatest friends? You know the friends that you can trust, the ones that want what’s best for you, and the friends who have your back. I have some really great friends in my life who support me, encourage me, and challenge me. My greatest friends are wise, they try to make healthy decisions, and they are on a journey to follow Jesus.

Today’s Passage: Proverbs 13:20    

He who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Reflect: This is wise advice. Who you choose as your closest friends will have a significant impact on your life. So take a few minutes and think about your friends. How are they influencing you? How are they supporting your growth and relationship with Jesus?

Pray: Ask God today to help you find the healthiest circle of friends. Ask him to help you love and support the friendships in your small group.

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