Day 31

Listen to Today’s Reading:

How does your faith please God? God tells us in multiple places in the Bible that if we seek him out—if we move in his direction and believe in him—he is pleased. This can feel challenging because we can’t see God. But we can see what he has made in the world around us, and we can see and experience what he has done when he provides and cares for us. 

Today’s Passage: Hebrews 11:6    

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Reflect: Take a few minutes and seek out the evidence of God in the world around you. Ask him to show you where he is working, creating, healing, and caring. Maybe start a list on your phone of the ways that you see him show up and keep adding to it day after day.

Pray: Pray today and seek God. Ask him to show himself to you.

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