Day 5


Have you ever been wronged by someone and all you can think about is getting even? We’ve all felt so frustrated by how someone has treated us, that we think they deserve some kind of payback. And to be honest, if all things were fair, they probably do deserve a payback.  

But as followers of Jesus, we are called to a higher standard. And when we can live this way, it takes away the pressure to make someone pay for the wrong they’ve done. It even helps you overcome the frustration that you’re feeling. It allows us to model the way of peace to the people around us. This passage reminds us of how Jesus calls us to treat others.

Today’s Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:15

“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.”

Look It Up: Look up 1 Thessalonians 5 and start reading at verse 12.  Read verses 12-18 and highlight every time this passage tells us how to treat people.

Reflect: We all want to get even, but when we are able to live out the passage in 1  Thessalonians, not only do we gain peace from knowing we are living like Jesus called us to live, but we also have this opportunity to model for others how Jesus feels about them. You see it’s out of the norm for you to treat someone with kindness and forgiveness even when they don’t deserve it. This kind of treatment gets the attention of those around you and models a whole new way of living and loving others.

Write It Down: Grab your journal and answer these questions.

  • When have you felt hurt by someone and wanted to get even?

  • Why is it so hard to treat them well when they don’t deserve it?

  • How does Jesus treat you when you do things that are wrong or hurt others?

Pray: Talk to God about the hurt or frustration you’ve felt from someone. Ask him to help you forgive and walk through it. Ask him to give you peace with how to handle it and how to model love for someone who might not deserve it.

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