Day 4


Has there ever been a time in your life when things were going terribly wrong and out of your control? Maybe your parents are going through a divorce, or your dad lost a job, or a family member has a terrible illness. When things like this happen, it feels even more stressful because we want to fix it, but there’s often nothing we can do. In these moments, my trust that God is over all things and that Jesus loves me and will help me becomes my lifeline. 

In this passage, Jesus’s disciples were fearful and were grieving that he was leaving and so many things were out of their control and were going wrong. Jesus reminds them of something very important.

Today’s Passage: John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Look It Up: Look up John 16:33. Highlight the word peace. Underline “you will have trouble” and boldly highlight “I have overcome the world.” In the margin write out: Jesus made a promise.

Reflect: The truth is that there are a lot of bad, heartbreaking, and broken things that are happening in the world. And those things impact us. They hurt our families, our friends, and the people we love. They cause us so much heartbreak and pain. And these moments can feel overwhelming and unfair. But Jesus made us a promise. He is more powerful than all of the things that are happening to us and around us. We can find peace in the fact that he is holding it all and he will overcome all of it. We can trust it all into his hands.

Write It Down: Grab your journal and answer these questions.

  • What are you going through or what is someone you know going through that is overwhelming and out of your control?

  • How does this make you feel?

  • What can you bring to Jesus, knowing that he is more powerful than all of it?

Pray: Tell Jesus how you’re feeling about the big heartaches and problems in this world. He cares about you and wants to be with you in the middle of your fear and uncertainty. Sit quietly and ask him to comfort you and bring you peace.

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