Day 24

Listen to Today’s Reading:

Are you looking for peace? Have you ever known someone who seemed to have a sense of peace in the middle of stressful circumstances? You can read about a time in John 14 where Jesus was telling his disciples that he was about to leave the world and go to heaven to be with his Father. The disciples were worried about this. Jesus had led them on a giant crusade. He made enemies and, as a result, was killed and rose again. And the disciples’ overwhelming task was to reach the whole world with the message of Jesus. And Jesus was leaving them?

Today’s Passage: John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 

Reflect: In this passage, Jesus wanted the disciples to know that they would not be alone. He wanted them to know that the Holy Spirit would comfort, guide, and help them. They would be able to have peace in the face of overwhelming circumstances because he would be with them.

So if you’re struggling to find true inner peace, I want you to ask yourself, Do you truly believe that Jesus is with you? Are you seeking him and relying on him to walk with you through the most difficult times?

Pray: Pray and ask him to show you that he’s with you. Pray for a peace in your life that is unexplainable and could only be Jesus with you.

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