Day 10

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
— 1 Peter 3:8 NIV

Peter doesn’t play around when he tells us how to get along with other people. He gets straight to the point: Love one another and be like-minded, sympathetic, compassionate, and humble. There are no qualifications here. We don’t show love only to those who are like us. We don’t offer compassion only to people who don’t make us mad. We don’t act humbly only toward those who “deserve” it. No, we are to live this way with all people across the board.

Today, pray about one person who you have trouble getting along with. Maybe a brother or sister, a friend, a teammate, or even someone in your small group. Ask that God would help you practice what Peter teaches about in your relationship with the other person. Pray for his help in getting along with them no matter what.

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