Day 8


Have you ever been in a circle of friends who were constantly in trouble? I’m talking about a group that liked to gossip and tear people down or a group who went out of their way to break things, vandalize, steal, or make all together destructive choices. Whenever I get caught up in a group like this, I know immediately that what I’m doing is wrong. And the longer I stay in this group and do what they do, the more turmoil my life becomes. 

If you want to live at peace and find joy, you’re going to have to make some important  decisions. You’re going to need to change your actions and change your friends. This passage gives great, clear advice.

Today’s Passage: Psalm 34:14

“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

Look It Up: Look this up in your Bible and highlight what stands out to you. Read verses 12-14.

Reflect: So if  you’re making choices, either with your friends or on your own that you know are leading you down the wrong path, turn around. Decide today that is no longer who you are. Decide today that you will no longer walk with those kinds of people or do those things.

And then start doing good. Don’t just stop doing wrong—start doing good. Serve, encourage, have patience, and forgive. Look for ways to do good. Pursue goodness and peace with others. Go after it and see how your life turns around.

Write It Down: Grab your journal and answer these questions.

  • What are the behaviors and actions of your friend circle? Nobody is perfect, but what are they pursuing?

  • What are your personal behaviors and actions? Are they good?

  • None of us are perfect, so what do you need to turn away from?

Pray: Ask God to be with you and help you as you make some big decisions to live differently. Ask for his forgiveness and ask him to show you opportunities for good. Sit quietly and think about how you can live out goodness and peace with others today.

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