senior weekend
November 12–14 in Chattanooga, TN
Regular Registration
$295 through Nov. 1
Wait List
We offer financial assistance to families who need help due to a financial hardship. After the team reviews your application, they will determine if your student qualifies for a reduced rate and the amount. Our funding is limited, so a reduced rate is not guaranteed.
Apply Here →
What to Bring
In addition to what you would normally bring to a weekend hotel stay, pack these items:
An outfit for a small group Christmas card photo (Saturday night)
Bible, journal, and pen
Spending money (optional)
Event Check-In: Friday, November 12, at your church
Event Pick-Up: Sunday, November 14, at your church
The logistics coordinator at your church will send an email prior to Senior Weekend with your specific check-in time and location.
frequently asked questions
Where will students be staying?
Students will stay in hotel rooms with their leaders and small groups at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown.
How will students get to the Senior Weekend location?
Charter buses.
How do I cancel my registration?
Cancellations must be sent via email to your church’s InsideOut logistics coordinator and confirmed with a response email. Cancellation made before check-in for camp on Friday night will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after check-in on Friday will not receive a refund.
What does the price include?
The price includes all meals from Friday night dinner to breakfast on Sunday morning, nightly snacks, transportation, hotel lodging, production costs (speakers, band, staging, etc.), and an event shirt.