Day 16

If you started with us from the beginning, you are 16 days into a new habit of spending 10 minutes every morning with God. If you’ve struggled or missed a few, jump back in and keep going. It’s important!

Listen to Today’s Reading:

While Jesus was living on earth, he was teaching and healing people and doing all kinds of miracles. As you can imagine, he began to draw a crowd.

One thing that Jesus shows us again and again is that he would often step away from the crowd and talk to God. He spent time with his heavenly Father and drew strength from him.

Today’s Passage: Luke 5:15–16

15 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

When you spend time praying—talking to and listening to God—you will grow in your relationship with him. You will become more aware of God speaking to you and working in your everyday life. And your actions toward others will grow and change to look more like his. The truth is you will never live like Jesus publicly if you don’t pursue God privately. 

Reflect:  What has changed since you started making this time with God a priority?

Pray: Spend time today praying and talking to God. Do what Jesus did.

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