Day 3

Come near to God and he will come near to you.
— James 4:8 NIV

Imagine you had two magnets. You placed one on a table and slowly pushed the other closer to it. Suddenly, they flew together!

This verse is like the magnets: when one magnet moves closer to the other, the other comes to meet it. When you move closer to God, He comes rushing back to meet you. Maybe something has stopped you from coming closer to God. No matter what has held you back in the past, listen to what James is saying. You can come close to God and you can be confident that he will come close to you. He will be there waiting. The moment you move toward God, you will see that he has been there all along. This week, ask a trusted friend or small group leader what it looks like for them to come close or draw near to God. Ask them to help you do the same, remembering that he is there ready and waiting for you. 

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